Anesthesia Options - MIAMI, FL

The Treatment You Need, Without Fear

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Experts in Your Comfort

We know that dental anxiety affects millions of Americans across the country. We also know how to help you overcome it. Making you as comfortable as possible—and your treatment as painless as possible—is our passion. We have licensed anesthesia providers on staff, including our acclaimed oral and maxillofacial surgeon who has had years of advanced training beyond dental school. We have one of the most advanced anesthesia delivery systems available at Dr. Implant, designed for your safety and comfort. And we offer many kinds of anesthesia to suit the complexity of your treatment. If you’re looking for a practice with anesthesia options in Miami, FL and a compassionate team you can trust, visit us for your surgical care.

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dental patient under sedation

Why Consider Anesthesia Services?

Our Select Anesthesia Options

This kind of sedation is taken orally, typically one hour before your visit. Many patients experience a decrease in dental anxiety and discomfort with the degree of effects depending on what medication is prescribed and at what dosage.
Often called “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is inhaled through a mask prior to treatment. You’ll stay alert and awake but feel relaxed throughout your procedure. The effects of nitrous oxide wear off quickly once your mask is removed.
Administered intravenously, this type of sedation puts you in a sleep-like state, though you will remain awake during your procedure. With amnesic effects, many patients who receive IV sedation may forget parts of their care or the entirety of their treatment. With some lasting effects, patients will need someone to drive them home after their visit.
Used for the most complex or extensive dental procedures such as full mouth dental implant placement, general anesthesia is a combination of medications that renders you completely unconscious. Only specially trained practitioners like our dentists can provide this level of anesthesia.
Dentist assistant helping patient go over anesthesia options.

The Dangers of Dental Anxiety

If you’re afraid of dental visits, you may decide to skip them and ignore dental symptoms that should receive attention. The associated risks are considerable, since small dental health issues that go unchecked can eventually turn into big ones. In these instances, the result can be a far more serious condition than you would’ve had if you’d pursued treatment earlier. This can lead to additional systemic complications, more pain, and more treatments. With all our sedation and anesthesia options in Miami, FL, this need never happen to you. Reach out and learn more about how our specialized and comprehensive sedation solutions can offer the comfort and confidence you need for a healthy smile and a healthy life.

Receive the trusted care you need in comfort.

Learn more about our anesthesia options in your personalized consultation!

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